The Academic Association of the University of Minho expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people and with all Ukrainian students of the Minho academy

After the latest developments surrounding the military invasion of a democratic and sovereign state by the Russian Federation, we stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, with all the Ukrainian students at the University of Minho and their families.

We are aware that the escalation of tension in Ukrainian territory, and the consequent invasion, created – and will continue to create – an unprecedented humanitarian, social, and migratory crisis, as there is no memory in recent decades in European territory, where Human Rights, citizens, and their physical integrity are being highly jeopardized, with the serious risk of this act resulting in the loss of thousands of innocent lives.

Our institution and the values ​​that guide it lead us to believe and defend that it is not through armed conflict that we will be able to open doors to a free, democratic society and peace. It is through education, personal and civic training of citizens in general, and of young people and new generations in particular. Education is the only instrument for the development of people and our society. In this way, we cannot fail to express our solidarity with all Ukrainian youth and students who, unfortunately, today suffer at the hands of the armed and military conflict.

We will be available to help and support, as far as possible, our Ukrainian students, as well as all those who, unfortunately, may have to leave their country.

Finally, we inform and invite the academic community to participate in the solidarity vigil with Ukraine, which will take place on February 26, at 9:30 pm, at Avenida Central de Braga, and of which AAUMinho will be a part.

For A Path to the Future,

The direction of AAUMinho
