The Associação Académica da Universidade do Minho informs the entire academic community that some of the stops and routes of the AAUMinho Transporttion Service will suffer changes.
These changes are due to the works taking place on Avenida da Liberdidade, in the city of Braga.
The changes are as follows:
Gualtar – Azurém route (does not affect any stops)
Gualtar stop > Bombas Galp Stop > Av. Liberdade Stop (change of route, buses go via Lomar > Recheio > Nogueira) > Nogueira Stop
(After these stops, the route continues as normal)
Azurém – Gualtar route (the route changes and two stops are replaced)
(The route starts as normal)
Nogueira – Arminho Stop (unchanged) > Av. Liberdade Stop (unavailable) – (now at) Monte do Picoto stop > Bombas Galp Stop (unavailable) – (now at) Rodovia Stop
(change of route, buses take Picoto > Minho Center > Get on the Variante Av. Frei Bartolemeu dos Mártires > Rodovia Stop > Gualtar Stop)
The schedule is temporary and will apply for, at least, four weeks, subject to the progress of the works taking place on Avenida da Liberdade.
You can also check the schedule and stops at the following link: