Women’s Futsal Team present at the 2nd Concentrated Day

In the past days 4th to 6th of April, the 2nd Concentrated Day of Female Futsal took place in the city of Aveiro. The Academia Minhota team, made up of 12 athletes, won three of the five games they played, with the following results: IPC 0 – 2 AAUMinho AAUMinho 1 – 0 IPSantarém IPCBranco […]

AAUMinho Transportation Service – Minimum Service Hours

AAUMinho informs that from Monday, April 11th, a new minimum service hours will come into effect, which will remain until April 14th. We also inform that in April 15th and 18th there will be no shuttle service. Consult and download the schedule through the link:

Men’s Basketball Team qualified for the National University Championship

From the 29th to the 31st of March, the Second Concentrated Basketball Day took place in Coimbra and AAUMinho was represented by a team that triumphed. Made up of 12 players, the Academia Minhota team won four of the five games it played, with the following results: AAUAlg 40 – 46 AAUMinho AAUMinho 30 – […]

Notice | Espaço Recurso Guimarães Closed

We inform the Academic Community that the Espaço Recurso from the Campus of Azurém is closed today, March 28th. It is further informed that its opening throughout the week will take place according to a new extraordinary schedule: Tuesday to Thursday from 2pm to 6pm Friday from 10am-1pm We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Football 11 team present in the 2nd Phase of the Competition

On the 22nd and 23rd of March, the 2nd Phase of Football 11 took place in Coimbra, and AAUMinho was represented by a male team. The Academia Minhota team played three games, which ended with the following results: AAUMinho 2 – 3 IPC AAUMinho 0 – 1 AAUE IPCBranco 2 – 1 AAUMinho With these […]

Notice | Bus 1:30 pm Braga – Guimarães

Due to the maximum capacity of the 13:30 Braga – Guimarães bus having been reached, it will not pass at the other stops for students to enter. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Handball teams qualified for the Final Phases

From the 16th to the 18th of March, the Women’s Handball Day was held in Aveiro. Made up of 15 athletes, the female team of Academia Minhota won the four games it played, with the following results: AAUMinho 28 – 13 AAUBI AAUMinho 24 – 13 AAUE AAUAlg 11 – 26 AAUMinho AAUAv 11 – […]

AAUMinho wins medal in the National University Championship of Padel

From the 14th to the 16th of March, the National University Championship of Padel took place in Águeda, Aveiro, and AAUMinho was present with a female team, two mixed teams and two male teams. The women’s team, made up of Sofia Carvalho and Victoria Abreu, won three of the four games they played, with the […]

AAUMinho secures place on the podium at the National University Fencing Championship

Last Sunday, March 13th, the National University Fencing Championship took place in Lisbon, and AAUMinho was represented by an athlete, Helena Afonso. Competing in the Women’s Foil, the athlete from Academia Minhota competed with two opponents and concluded with the following results: AAUMinho 15 (Helena Afonso) – 12 U. Porto (Luísa Mendes) U. Porto (Marta […]

Hosting Ukrainian Students, Teachers and Researchers

The University of Minho joined the Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency and is one of the higher education institutions that wants to contribute to reducing the suffering of young students, professors and researchers who see their academic career interrupted for a period whose duration cannot be foreseen. The University of Minho is available to […]