Quality teaching questionnaires – available until 14th February

From 24th January to 14th February 2022 the quality teaching questionnaires are available. Access the UMinho Academic Portal to check if you have questionnaires to fill out. The questionnaires are also available on the UMinho App. For further information, please contact the Service Unit of Quality Management and Accreditation at usgaq@usgaq.uminho.pt

Rui Oliveira elected president of National Youth Council

Rui Oliveira, student of the Integrated Master of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minho and current president of AAUMinho, was elected president of National Youth Council today. The National Youth Council, founded in 1985, is the representative platform of national youth organizations, covering the most varied expressions of youth associativism (cultural, environmental, scouts, party, […]

AAUMinho Transportation Service – Schedule Change

Due to the need to adjust schedules, AAUMinho announces a new change to the Transportation Service schedule that will take effect from Monday, January 17th. Consult and download the new schedule through the link:

Group Study Rooms 24×7 to reopen in 24 hour schedule

Given that the 24×7 Study Rooms had not yet returned to operate on a 24-hour basis, and taking into consideration, above all, the need for study rooms at extended hours as well as the lack of reasonable constraints that prevent this process from moving forward, AAUMinho demanded a solution, to the bodies of the University […]

Order – 01/2022 | Assessments during Prophylactic Isolation

The pandemic emergency has accentuated pedagogical weaknesses with which students live daily in their academic life and which tend, for multiple reasons, to persist in their university context. The most recent problem was the lack of a fair and acceptable solution for students who, finding themselves in isolation, had been deprived of the possibility of […]

AAUMinho Transportation Services – Schedule from January 4th to 7th

Following the current inflow to the AAUMinho Transport Service, we announce a new extraordinary timetable that will run from tomorrow, the 4th, until Friday, the 7th of January. In the coming days, the timetable that will come into effect from January 10th will also be announced. Check the schedule below.

Municipal Assembly of Braga approves Vote of Honour to AAUMinho

At the last General Assembly of the Municipality of Braga, the Socialist Party (PS) proposed a Vote of Honour to the Student Union of the University of Minho for the project of the institution’s new headquarters. The Vote was unanimously approved. The Vote of Honour arose from the presentation of the project for the construction […]